News & Events about V F Corporation.
Vans Announces New Pinnacle Category: OTW by Vans Vans Announces New Pinnacle Category: OTW by Vans PR Newswire PARIS, June 21, 2023 PARIS, June 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Vans unveils its new pinnacle category, OTW by Vans: a new platform where the brand's most elevated product expressions...
CNW Group - News Releases
1 year ago
Vans Announces New Pinnacle Category: OTW by Vans Vans Announces New Pinnacle Category: OTW by Vans Canada NewsWire PARIS, June 21, 2023 PARIS, June 21, 2023 /CNW/ -- Today, Vans unveils its new pinnacle category, OTW by Vans: a new platform where the brand's most elevated product expressions and... upgraded shares of V.F. (NYSE:VFC Get Rating) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a report published on Wednesday morning. VFC has been the subject of several other reports. BTIG Research reissued a neutral rating on shares of V.F. in a research note on Tuesday, February 7th...
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / March 31, 2023 / To continue Timberland's 50th anniversary celebration and honor the communities that helped propel the brand to where it is today, Timberland will host five youth design workshops in partnership with Black-owned creative brand CNSTNT:DVLPMNT. Founded...