News & Events about Sonic Automotive Inc.
Sonic Automotive, Inc. (NYSE:SAH Get Rating) President Jeff Dyke sold 86,596 shares of the businesss stock in a transaction dated Monday, April 10th. The stock was sold at an average price of $50.80, for a total transaction of $4,399,076.80. Following the sale, the president now directly owns 814,...
Sonic Automotive, Inc. (NYSE:SAH Get Rating) President Jeff Dyke sold 86,596 shares of the companys stock in a transaction on Monday, April 10th. The shares were sold at an average price of $50.80, for a total value of $4,399,076.80. Following the completion of the transaction, the ...
Sonic Automotive (NYSE:SAH Get Rating) was downgraded by equities researchers at JPMorgan Chase & Co. from an overweight rating to a neutral rating in a research report issued on Tuesday, MarketBeat reports. They currently have a $55.00 price objective on the stock, down from their prior price ...
State of Tennessee Treasury Department boosted its holdings in Sonic Automotive, Inc. (NYSE:SAH Get Rating) by 138.2% in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm owned 15,967 shares of the companys stock after ...
Shell Asset Management Co. reduced its stake in Sonic Automotive, Inc. (NYSE:SAH Get Rating) by 12.9% during the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm owned 8,040 shares of the companys stock after ...