News & Events about Rpc Inc.
RPC (NYSE:RES Get Rating) had its price target decreased by Susquehanna from $10.50 to $8.50 in a report released on Monday morning, The Fly reports. Separately, began coverage on shares of RPC in a research note on Thursday, March 16th. They issued a buy rating on the stock. ...
RPC (NYSE:RES Get Rating) had its price target decreased by Susquehanna from $10.50 to $8.50 in a report released on Monday morning, The Fly reports. Separately, began coverage on shares of RPC in a research note on Thursday, March 16th. They issued a buy rating on the stock. ... upgraded shares of RPC (NYSE:RES Get Rating) from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research report report published on Wednesday morning. RPC Stock Down 7.6 % RES stock opened at $8.84 on Wednesday. The company has a market capitalization of $1.92 billion, a PE ratio of 13.19...
Business Standard - Companies & Industry
1 year ago
Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has said Twitter is very slow in India and many other countries.
Twitter is very slow in India, Indonesiamany other countries. This is a fact, not a claim. 10 to 15 secs to refresh homeline tweets is common. Sometimes, it doesn't work at all, especially on Android ...
Thinking about buying stock in Transcode Therapeutics, Geovax Labs, First Wave BioPharma, RPC Inc, or Enphase Energy? Thinking about buying stock in Transcode Therapeutics, Geovax Labs, First Wave BioPharma, RPC Inc, or Enphase Energy? PR Newswire NEW YORK, Oct. 26, 2022 NEW YORK, Oct. 26, 2022...