News & Events about Itt Corporation.
June 22, 2023-- ITT Inc. (NYSE: ITT) today announced an expansion of its Friction production facility in Termoli, Italy and an upgrade of its research and development capabilities in Barge, Italy to establish a leading position in the high-performance brake pads market for luxury and sporting...
April 21, 2023-- ITT Inc. (NYSE: ITT) today announced a commitment of nearly $25 million for green energy projects to commemorate Earth Day. The projects include solar panel investments and energy efficiency initiatives, as ITT continues its progress towards the greenhouse gas reduction target...
March 20, 2023-- ITT Inc. (NYSE: ITT) today announced the company has signed a 10-year strategic agreement for the supply of aftermarket brake pads to Continental AG (Continental), a leading global automotive supplier. The agreement is expected to generate more than $1 billion in revenue over the...
ITT (NYSE:ITT Get Rating) had its price target lifted by DA Davidson from $95.00 to $105.00 in a report issued on Monday, The Fly reports. They currently have a buy rating on the conglomerates stock. DA Davidson also issued estimates for ITTs Q1 2023 earnings at $1.12 EPS, FY2023 earnings at $4.87 ...
ITT (NYSE:ITT Get Rating) had its target price upped by stock analysts at DA Davidson from $95.00 to $105.00 in a note issued to investors on Monday, The Fly reports. The firm presently has a buy rating on the conglomerates stock. DA Davidsons price objective ...