News & Events about Gladstone Commercial Corp.
Asset Management One Co. Ltd. grew its holdings in shares of Gladstone Commercial Co. (NASDAQ:GOOD Get Rating) by 16.1% during the 4th quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the SEC. The firm owned 97,194 shares of the real estate investment trusts stock after ...
MCLEAN, VA / ACCESSWIRE / March 20, 2023 / Gladstone Commercial Corporation (Nasdaq:GOOD) (the 'Company') announced that its board of directors has authorized a share repurchase program for up to $50,000,000 of the Company's common stock. The repurchases are intended to be implemented...
Preferred Stock Channel
1 year ago
In trading on Friday, shares of Gladstone Commercial Corps 7.50% Series B Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (GOODO) were yielding above the 8.5% mark based on its monthly dividend (annualized to 1.50), with shares changing hands as low as 17.50 on the day. This compares to an ...
Gladstone Commercial (NASDAQ:GOOD Get Rating) had its price objective cut by B. Riley from $20.00 to $18.00 in a research report report published on Monday morning, The Fly reports. They currently have a buy rating on the real estate investment trusts stock. B. Riley also issued estimates for ...