News & Events about Dr Horton Inc.
D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI), Americas Builder, today announced the acquisition of Truland Homes, the largest private homebuilder along the Gulf Coast. The homebuilding assets of Truland Homes (Truland) acquired include approximately 263 lots, 155 homes in inventory and 55 homes in sales order...
D.R. Horton, Inc. (NYSE:DHI), Americas Builder, announced today that the Company will release financial results for its third quarter ended June 30, 2023 on Thursday, July 20, 2023 before the market opens. The Company will host a conference call that morning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET). The...
D.R. Horton (NYSE:DHI Get Rating) had its target price boosted by Royal Bank of Canada from $76.00 to $98.00 in a report published on Friday, The Fly reports. They currently have an underperform rating on the construction companys stock. DHI has been the topic of several other reports...
D.R. Horton (NYSE:DHI Get Rating) had its target price hoisted by Royal Bank of Canada from $76.00 to $98.00 in a research note issued to investors on Friday morning, The Fly reports. DHI has been the topic of a number of other research reports. Oppenheimer initiated coverage on D.R. Horton in a ...
Stock futures slide as Fed rate hike bets accelerate; Tesla tumbles as Elon Musk stresses sales growth over profits; IBM tops Q1 earnings forecast, sees solid software demand; TSMC cautions on chip sector outlook after topping Q1 earnings forecast and AT&T earnings on deck with cash flow, dividend ...