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Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated
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52-Week High
52-Week High
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Dividend Yield
Dividend Yield
P/E Ratio
P/E Ratio
iconMarket Capitalization11,650.83M
icon52-Week High1438.5
icon52-Week Low800.76001
iconAverage Volume0.03M
iconDividend Yield0.002305
iconP/E Ratio23.0375
What does the Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated do?
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated, together with its subsidiaries, produces, markets, and distributes nonalcoholic beverages, primarily products of The Coca-Cola Company in the United States. The company offers sparkling beverages, including carbonated beverages; and still beverages, such as energy products, as well as noncarbonated beverages comprising bottled water, tea, ready to drink coffee, enhanced water, juices, and sports drinks. It also sells its products to other Coca-Cola bottlers; and post-mix products that are dispensed through equipment, which mixes the fountain syrup with carbonated or still water enabling fountain retailers to sell finished products to consumers in cups or glasses. In addition, the company distributes products for various other beverage brands that include Dr Pepper, Sundrop, and Monster Energy. It sells and distributes its products directly to retail stores and other outlets, which comprise food markets, institutional accounts, and vending machine outlets. The company holds cola beverage agreements and allied beverage agreements under, which it produces, distributes, and markets sparkling beverages and other sparkling beverages of The Coca-Cola Company. It also holds bottling rights from The Coca-Cola Company covering North Carolina, South Carolina, Southern Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Eastern Alabama, Tennessee, Northwest Alabama, Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Delaware, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinoi, and Ohio. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated was founded in 1902 and is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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Great West Life Assurance Co. Can lessened its stake in Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc. (NASDAQ:COKE) by 3.0% in the 2nd quarter, reports. The firm owned 3,992 shares of the companys stock after selling 124 shares during the period. Great West Life Assurance Co. Cans holdings in ...
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated share price today?
Can Indians buy Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated shares?
How can I buy Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated shares from India?
Can Fractional shares of Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated be purchased?
What are the documents required to start investing in Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated stocks?
What is today’s traded volume of Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated?
What is today’s market capitalisation of Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated?
What is the 52-Week High and Low Range of Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated?
What percentage is Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated down from its 52-Week High?
What percentage is Coca Cola Bottling Co Consolidated up from its 52-Week Low?
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Get Started with as little as $1.00