News & Events about First Busey Corp.
Market News Video
1 year ago
In trading on Friday, shares of First Busey Corp (BUSE) touched a new 52-week low of 21.54/share. Thats a 6.44 share price drop, or -23.02% decline from the 52-week high of 27.98 set back on 11/10/2022...
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co. increased its holdings in First Busey Co. (NASDAQ:BUSE Get Rating) by 65.0% in the 4th quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 2,193 shares of the banks ...
Equities research analysts forecast that First Busey Co. (NASDAQ:BUSE) will post $102.41 million in sales for the current quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Four analysts have provided estimates for First Buseys earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $102.00 million and the highest ...
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. reduced its stake in shares of First Busey Co. (NASDAQ:BUSE) by 21.2% in the 1st quarter, reports. The firm owned 144,133 shares of the banks stock after selling 38,788 shares during the quarter. Goldman Sachs Group Inc.s holdings in First ...
Dividend Channel
3years ago
On 7/22/21, Lakeland Financial Corp (LKFN), First Busey Corp (BUSE), and Pentair PLC (PNR) will all trade ex-dividend for their respective upcoming dividends. Lakeland Financial Corp will pay its quarterly dividend of 0.34 on 8/5/21, First Busey Corp will pay its quarterly dividend of 0.23...