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The investment objective is capital appreciation via investments in a combination of equity, fixed income, commodities and other listed ETFs. The universe would be approximately 2000 ETFs listed on US exchanges with combined AUM of $ 4.4 Trillion. At least 80% would be invested in ETFs where the AUM is more than USD 500 M. 0-20% could be allocated to some theme based ETFs where the AUM is still less than $500 million but have sufficient liquidity. Our portfolio building approach will be driven by changes we see in the global liquidity flow and our interpretation of the asset class that would be the beneficial receiver of this liquidity flow. The investment process would involve the following: -Determine the global capital flow -Identify the asset classes that will be beneficiaries of the capital flow -Identify the most suitable ETFs from within the seleted asset classes -Gradually build weightage if the initial conviction holds -Test and re-test this conviction until capital flow reverses/ conviction no longer holds good Risk Controls -The fund is structured to avoid any direct single stock investment and would hold positions only through a mix of Exchange Traded Funds -Asset class allocations will be limited to the stated ranges - Equity Index ETFs (0-50%), Fixed Income ETFs(0-75%), Commodies ETFs (0-25%), Volality ETNs (0-10%), other ETFs (0-10%) -No single long only instrument above 15% of portfolio at time of investment/ at cost (this excludes cash equivalents)

Stack CAGR 4.86

Max DD 7.86%

Sharpe Ratio 1.16

Rebalancing Frequency Quarterly

VaR 1.44%


Stacks are pre-configured baskets of stocks & ETFs that you can invest in with a single click

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